Wiwiz Auth API集成示例代码(PHP版)

$userkey = "8C447CEAC649C9CC";	// replace with your own user key
// Gets incoming parameters
$pTokencode = $_REQUEST["tokencode"];	// incoming parameter "tokencode"
$pSrvurl = $_REQUEST["srvurl"];		// incoming parameter "srvurl"
if($pTokencode != null) 
	$_SESSION['tokencode'] = $pTokencode;
if($pSrvurl != null)
	$_SESSION['srvurl'] = $pSrvurl;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="zh">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<title> Wiwiz Auth API Usage Sample </title>
<form method="post">
User Name: <input type="text" name="username" />
Password: <input type="password" name="pswd" />
<input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" />
if(isset($_REQUEST['login'])) {	// if "Login" button is clicked
	// Step 1. Do your business. E.g. check user login ... 
	$loginSuccess = false;
	// Do something you need.
	// e.g. verify the user
	//      ......
	$loginSuccess = true; // assume login successful
	if($loginSuccess == false) {
		echo "Login Failed!";	// if user login failed, show an error message
	} else {
		// Step 2. Do the pre-auth by calling Wiwiz Auth API
		// IMPORTANT: Do this on your server side(ASP, C#, JSP/Servlet, PHP...), 
		//            but DO NOT do this on your client side (HTML/Javascript)
		// parameter "action" : REQUIRED!
		// set it to "1" to authenticate the user
		// set it to "0" to block the user
		$action = "1";
		// parameter "tokencode": REQUIRED!
		// set identical to the incoming parameter
		$tokencode = $_SESSION['tokencode'];
		// parameter "srvurl": REQUIRED!
		// set identical to the incoming parameter	
		$srvurl = $_SESSION['srvurl'];
		// parameter "endtime" : OPTIONAL
		// Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss  e.g. 2012-05-31 21:39:00
		// set this parameter to set the time to close the user's Internet connection 
		// Note: the value must be url-encoded.  
		$endtime = urlencode('2012-05-31 21:39:00');
		// parameter "postauth" : OPTIONAL
		// E.g. http://www.YourDomain.com
		// set this parameter to redirect to a specified URL after authenticated.
		// Note: the value should be url-encoded.  
		$postauth = urlencode("http://www.wiwiz.com");
		$parameters = "?wiwiz_auth_api=1&ver=1.0". // parameter "wiwiz_auth_api" and "ver". Fixed value
				"&tokencode=". $tokencode .	// parameter "tokencode". See above
				"&userkey=". $userkey .		// parameter "userkey". Set your own User Key
				"&action=". $action .		// parameter "action". See above
				"&endtime=". $endtime .		// parameter "endtime". See above
				"&postauth=". $postauth; 	// parameter "postauth". See above
		$verifycode = file_get_contents($srvurl . $parameters);	// gets "verifycode" - the verification result from Wiwiz server side
		$userstring = $_REQUEST['username'];					// sets the Track Data (Optional), e.g. username
		if (strpos ($verifycode, "ERR") === 0) {
			// if there is an error, show error code
			echo "Error: ". $verifycode;
		} else {
			// OK, now. do Step 3.
			// Step 3. Complete the Authentication by calling Wiwiz Auth API
			$redirectUrl = $srvurl.		// use the value of incoming parameter "srvurl" as the redirection address
					"?wiwiz_auth_api_login=1".	// parameter "wiwiz_auth_api_login"
					"&tokencode=". $tokencode .	// parameter "tokencode", set identical to the incoming parameter	
					"&verifycode=". $verifycode .	// parameter "verifycode", the verification result from Wiwiz server side
					"&userstring=". $userstring;	// parameter "userstring" (Optional), the Track Data set by the user
			header("Location: ". $redirectUrl);	// finally, do the redirection
//			echo "<script>location.href=\"". $redirectUrl ."\"</script>";

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